Forrest Bicker

Forrest B​​​icker

Hi I'm Forrest, a CS and Math Major at Harvey Mudd from NYC.


1st and 2nd Place Paper at the Citadel Global Data Open Championship ($100,000 prize)

Thanks to David Chen, Milo Knell, Alan Wu, Eszter Morvay.

Theoretical Machine Learning Research

Published “From Targets to Rewards: Continuous Target Sets in the Algorithmic Search Framework”  in ICAART at the AMISTAD Lab under Prof. George

Competitive Programming

ICPC NAC-NAPC (Top 50 USA), 3rd Place at C1 Terminal, American Computer Science League Finalist

Computational Chemistry Research

Designed coarse-graining algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations under Prof. Loverde

Backgammon Research

Developed optimal backgammon strategies under world champion Arthur Benjamin.

Other Competitions

1st Place @ Hacklytics NSA Cybersecurity Challenge, 2x 1st Place at Citadel West Coast Datathon ($20,000 prize), 1st Place @ 5C Datathon, Nationwide Finalist at the Modeling The Future Challenge
